Gawler – Roseworthy

Thinking of Doing Landscaping Yourself? Here’s What to Consider

Euro Stone Outdoor Garden Pavers | Riveria 600 x 400 Pavers

The do-it-yourself spirit of Australians continues to grow, and research reported by News Australia found that over 2.3m Australians undertook DIY projects in 2018. However, the same research also found that many had spent up to $1,500 on renovations after finding the work too challenging. It goes to show that you need to be careful when doing DIY, and check that it isn’t a professional’s job. Luckily, the garden is one place where DIY is definitely viable.

Landscaping is a great way to renovate your home and a great outdoors space isn’t necessarily expensive. Costs start to trickle in where labour costs are concerned, but with the right tools and determination, you can do the job yourself. There’s often a few troublesome barriers and large jobs that can halt your progress; here’s how to break them down.

Dealing With Excessive Foliage

Plants are obviously a huge factor in gardens, and that’s reflected in labour market demands. According to immigration advisors Visa Bureau, Arborists are in short supply in the country and demand big wages. The expertise needed for large-scale change in foliage is clear to see, but for the layman, work can just as easily be done on your own terms. Using a chainsaw, shears and clippers, you can manage medium to large trees and other greenery in your garden when you’re looking for a renovation. Make sure you use PPE, stay safe and don’t overestimate the work required. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report ladder injuries as one of the highest causes of injury in the country – don’t fall victim. Plan properly.

Shifting Heavy Objects

When your green space is the result of completely untended land, or a hangover from the previous tenant’s design choices, you can often be left with huge objects that are seemingly immovable. Boulders, concrete and more can create real barriers to the landscape you have in your mind’s eye. Whilst shifting huge boulders is a professional job, as the Cunningham Highway rock has shown, you can move them at home – safely. You can do as ancient societies did and use a system of pry bars, placed below the rock, and smaller, rounded rocks, to provide a float. Or, small digger higher is relatively cheap these days and can be used to lift the rock away to a better place. Alternatively you may want APC to organise some earthwork machinery for you project?

Implementing Water Features

Water features are huge attractions to gardens, whether it’s a picturesque and quaint pond or show-stopping, pumped fountain. If you’ve selected the right item, it can be straightforward to get installation done. Consider local weather when looking into the water retention system – in hotter months, a pump will need to work harder, or your pond will require shade to prevent drainage. Don’t be tempted to install overly complicated pump systems yourself, and always take advice when altering the mains water pipeline. Finally, get creative; use rocks, plastering and your own skills to make natural looking facades.

Landscaping can, and will, throw up a range of big challenges that require hard work. From huge items that need to be shifted, to logistically tricky features and onerous tree-felling, landscaping is a real labour of love that will often call for a dedicated landscaping firm. Professionals aren’t always required, though, and with the hard work, DIY can tackle most home problems. However if you have considered all the options and prefer to get a quote from APC who can organise a local Tradie for you.

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